I am so thankful for this woman! Lauren Roxburgh has brought me so much relief, balance, and strength to my body. Coincidentally, I found Lauren via the one and only Gwyneth Paltrow around the time I hurt my back years ago. Dubbed the body whisperer, she is the ultimate source of knowledge on fascia, alignment, movement, and foam rolling. I instantly headed straight to the internet to order Lauren's line of body tools and joined the Aligned Life Studio! Her body magic has been beyond beneficial physically, mentally, and spirituality the past few years, that I don't think I can live without it now!
+ introduce yourself
My name is Lauren Roxburgh, AKA “Lo Rox” — I am an author, speaker, wellness educator and body alignment expert.
+ how did your journey into wellness and health begin?
My wellness journey began at a young age, I was an all American swimmer and a collegiate water polo player and despite being incredibly fit by some measures, I was eating a diet that didn’t work for me, my body was in pain, bulky, compressed and inflexible. This experience was exacerbated when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and I was nudged to start doing the work of looking within. I knew there had to be a better way to find true health, happiness and a balanced body.
You can read more of my story here.
+ how did Aligned Life begin?
I first discovered my soul path during a very tough time in my life. My parents had just gotten divorced and my Mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer, when I was just sixteen, barely coming out of that stage when the world was confusing enough. I witnessed my mother’s pain and her battle for life which was more than enough to inspire me to look deeper into understanding how we human beings work.
Watching my mother battle cancer encouraged me to turn the pain of witnessing her illness into purpose. I realized that the key to living a fulfilling, healthy and joyful life is a holistic approach so I was inspired to find ways to help prevent di-sease and learn how we can thrive, not just survive.
So I took this knowledge and started writing articles and books about body empowerment and it took off! So in 2013 I created a virtual wellness platform and studio with the help of my visionary husband, Emmy-nominated and Oscar-shortlisted documentary producer, Gus Roxburgh. Together we are passionate and hard working and combined our individual strengths to build a company from the ground up. At first we shot content in friend’s homes but things quickly took off - as they do when you are aligned in what you are supposed to be giving to this world! Our Aligned Tribe online community grew rapidly once they found out what my private clients already knew - this method truly works!
The Aligned Life Studio now streams in over 50 countries worldwide and has helped thousands of people reach their wellness goals. Recently we established the Aligned Life Collective what I like to call our supportive ‘high vibe tribe’ - in other words it is a community that is all about living the Aligned Life. This is a lifestyle that embodies the core values of balance, self-care, mindful eating, exercise, and having fun.
This group is for education, motivation, daily inspiration and most of all to support each other on the Aligned Life journey. This is where you can be the first to hear the latest on new products, events, special promotions and new innovations in the world of alignment and wellness!
+ why are foam rolling and rebounding so underrated?!
Most people don’t seem to know how effective and healing foam rolling and rebounding can be!
First, foam rolling can help to repair and tone your fascia, reduce cellulite, and boost circulation. It also jumpstarts your body's natural detoxification process since it helps with lymphatic drainage. Using a foam roller is also a wonderful way to self-massage your body, work out the kinks, and even warm up your body. But more importantly, foam rolling can be used to mimic a total body Pilates-style workout that really targets the intrinsic muscles and helps to build both flexibility and strength. In fact I love rolling and the benefits so much I wrote a book and 10 week program all about it (Taller Slimmer Younger).
The foam roller also helps you glow from the inside out in more ways than one, because rolling out the body boosts circulation and smooths and lubricates the fascia, which is a thin layer of connective tissue that lies under the skin and wraps individual muscles and organs, and the entire body. Smoothing out the fascia and boosting circulation truly gives that summer glow leaving your skin feeling toned, youthful, and supple.
Likewise I love rebounding, which has been proven to not just be a great form of low-impact cardio, but more efficient (and fun) than running for burning fat. This highly effective cardio workout that is gentle on joints and muscles. I like to turn on my favorite music and get moving -- bouncing on the rebounder not only tones the core, boosts the metabolism, and keeps the booty perky, but it allows me to focus on my movement, get into my body, and shake away the stress of the day. A session on the rebounder is truly so meditative and a detox for the mind, body and soul. The rebounder is wonderful for the body in countless ways -- it strengthens the body, supports the pelvic floor, and even reduces stress, all from a quick bounce sesh. If you want to learn more about the amazing benefits of rebounding, check out my blog all about it!
+ what areas should we focus on foam rolling?
So many areas! The Upper Back Roll is one of my favorites and I’m always reminding my members of the importance of rolling out our shins and our feet...two places many people forget. Our feet affect everything. Foam rolling is so beneficial for our fascia, aka our connective tissue, which wraps around each of our muscles and organs almost like a web. The roller is the best tool that allows you to independently remove the stored-up density and toxins in the tissues—and specifically the fascia—while simultaneously hydrating the tissue with oxygenated blood and fluid. The end result is healthy, malleable tissue. When used regularly and correctly, the foam roller can be utterly transformative and unbelievably healing.
+ why is body alignment so important for optimal health?
When you're aligned, your energy is flowing more efficiently, you're going to breathe better, stand up straighter, and have better oxygen intake. Working hands on with so many athletes made me realize how important alignment was to both physical training and mind-body connection. When implemented, proper alignment assists in more fluid movements, which can help prevent injury. As we start to put our bodies back into alignment, we start making better choices. I like to say, “Align your body, Align your life."
+ why is having a strong pelvic core so important?
Our pelvic floor is deeply connected to our physical and emotional health. When it is in a healthy state it can result in amazing benefits, such as increased flexibility, decreased lower back pain, better metabolism, a stronger core, improved digestion, and even improved sex drive and stamina.
The pelvic floor is connected to the body’s nervous system and when our bodies are in constant fight or flight mode, we tend to respond to it by white-knuckling our way through life, which often means clenching our pelvic floor in an unhealthy way.
It is important to focus not only on tightening this key area, but also about expanding, stretching and releasing, as well as tightening. How do we do that? Just like any muscles, we need to expand and contract it to create strength. It takes time and work, but with a little dedication, it’s entirely possible.
For more on the Pelvic Core - check out my recent book The Power Source.
+ why/how is energy and emotion stored within our body?
Emotions and fascia are closely connected. Imagine you nearly get into a car accident or you have a confrontation at work. These triggers cause you to feel stressed and emotional. Your nervous system goes into a ‘fight or flight’ response and your body tends to tighten up and clench in response. The nerves lie in the fascia which means you are actually holding that emotional stress and tension within your fascia resulting in tightness and blockages in the fascial matrix. When you’re in this ‘fight or flight’ state, a doctor of Chinese medicine would say your ‘chi is blocked’. When your chi is blocked there is inflammation, which leads to stagnation – a feeling of heaviness that can lead to dis-ease and or illness. I often say that “Trauma lives in our tissues.” Our emotional state can have a huge impact on our health and well-being.
+ what are the benefits of inversion therapy?
I love inversions! Inversions decompress your spine, flush the lymphatic system, increase circulation and blood flow to the head, stimulate collagen and help tone and lift your deep core muscles. I have a whole sequence on Inversion Therapy inside my Aligned Life Studio.
+ best tips for sciatica or even pain?
I actually have a great sequence in the studio for sciatica called “Sciatica Remedy” I love using the foam roller to reduce compression, hydrate the connective tissue and realign the body to help alleviate sciatic pain. In the Aligned Life Studio there is a heal category which features sequences that target various pain - lower back, stiff neck and knee pain.
+ your favorite detoxing tips and tricks?
Dry brushing, rolling, rebounding and using an infrared sauna (or hot magnesium bath) are my favorite ways to detox - plus following my new 21 Day Detox Cleanse.
+ the best tips for debloating?
Ohhh, belling rolling for sure with my signature Body Sphere or any squishy ball!
+ oh boy hormones... what are the best ways to help balance your hormones?
First off, I am a really big fan of acupuncture and I think it can definitely help balance our hormones. I also believe we can help support our hormones through when we eat, what we eat, getting proper sleep and by how we move. I like to practice a form of intermittent fasting allowing about 14 hours between meals. (I like to eat a light early dinner by 7pm and a nourishing breakfast around 9m.) Foam rolling, rebounding and walks are super supportive and saunas help as well.
+ what are your favorite energy boosters?
I do love to enjoy a delicious espresso, but rebounding can actually provide an even greater boost of energy! I love putting on some fun music and dancing with my girls and husband - I’m super into Somatic Dance right now. A cold shower can be very helpful too.
+ any tips to enhance our natural beauty?
The gua sha for face and also saunas or magnesium baths to help flush toxins, reduce puffiness and relax. I am a big fan of affirmations. I feel like what happens on the inside definitely affects the outside. An affirmation I love for this is “I live effortlessly and gracefully in the body of my dreams.” How can you not feel beautiful when saying that?
+ what is more beneficial: foam rolling, acupuncture or massage?
Oh goodness, all of them are so good! I’d have to say foam rolling and acupuncture would be the most beneficial of the three. With foam rolling, you are providing yourself with a self massage, as well as hydrating your fascia, moving lymph and putting your body back into alignment. That doesn’t all really happen with a massage, though they do feel amazing!. Acupuncture is also phenomenal to help support our overall health and wellness.. Stress, hormones, immunity and more. I’m a big fan of acupuncture.
+ what are your guilty pleasures?
I love a glass of good Italian red wine.
+ stress is a major commonality among all of our lives nowadays. What are your favorite de-stressors?
Using my roller and rebounder are always among my top favorite ways to de-stress - actually using all my tools as they each serve a different purpose, but I also love to get out in nature for a good hike and also do some earthing.
+ your favorite mantra?
A mantra I love to say with my girls is “Every little cell in my body is well!” A new one I’m loving particularly in stressful times or around the holidays is, “One day at a time, one step at a time, one breath at a time.” So powerful to remember.
+ your go to recipe?
I’m in love with so many of our new fascia food recipes, but I always love a good frittata!
I love to add veggies, a little protein and healthy fats.
Check out my Ideal Day Meal Guides for more recipes inside the Aligned Life Studio and stay tuned for my brand new recipe app coming in early 2022.

You can find LAUREN here: